Saturday, December 29, 2007


I can't believe the drama that pops up in cyberland. It never ceases to amaze me. I have enough drama in my own life. Why, oh why, would I want to seek it out in cyber/blog/forum land?


Anita said...

I don't know, why would you? I wouldn't.

Anonymous said...


nush said...


SJ said...

So I've been banned from that site. I don't even have internet access on the weekends to respond to their stupid requests and now I'm banned. What bull.

By the way, I love you and you rock!

LL said...

Hugs Angie! I am not sure what took place, but i agree with sj,You do rock! Smile!

S said...

I don't know what happen..but ok!

I miss chatting with ya!