Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Are you a lurker???

So, I have a lot of blogs that I read on a regular basis (at least once daily if not more often!). I used to just read and not comment much, but as of late, I have been working on trying to leave comments at least once or twice a week, if not more often.

I thoroughly LOVE reading peoples blogs. I don't know why, but I do. I am addicted, to say the least. I love receiving comments on my blog. So, I figure if I love them, others must love them too (when they are authentic, that is)!

So, if you are a lurker...you are welcome here! But I have just one favor to ask. Will you please consider leaving a comment on this post, so I at least know you have been here.

According to SiteMeter, the last 10 people to visit my blog were from the following locations:
Montvale, NJ; Reston, VA; Evansville, IN; Big Lake, MN; Monticello, MN; Monroe, VA; Sioux Center, IA; Russellville, AR; Davenport, IA; Welcome, NC

If you are one of these "mystery" visitors...say "hi" in the comments section! Oh, and it is very nice to 'meet' you! :)


SJ said...

You know I read, but I've been lurking lately :P Sorry! Hope you get a BUNCH of comments! :D

Anita said...

Constantly read, constantly comment! I'm good, huh?! :) LOVE

nush said...

ok, i'm officially commenting!!
~love ya:)

S said...

Hey, I read yours and sj's everyday!! I rarely comment, but you know I love ya!!


BlessedWithDaughters said...

Sorry, again...not a lurker, but please educate your ignorant techo-deprived friend. How would I go about getting a SiteMeter? I'd love to see who's visiting me...

Love ya,

Mama Bear said...

hey!!! I think I post -- I am sometimes bad about just lurking too!!!
so I am with blessedwithdaughters -- how do you do the sitemeter?

AJS said...

For those interested, go to www.sitemeter.com and you can sign up for a free account and link to it on your blog. Very interesting!

Also, thanks for all the comments so far...now lets see if the "real" lurkers come out and post! :)

Dawn said...

I'm the lurker from Iowa! :) I literally just started reading here and can't even remember how I found you. I really have enjoyed your blog so far and can't wait to keep reading! :)

AJS said...

Hi "d" (manyblessings)- thanks for reading. I have added your blog to my favorites and look forward to diving in to read it!

Anonymous said...

I am a 'lurker' from MN. (Big Lake) Not sure who Monticello is. DH has peeked and he's in Elk River. Sorry I'll post more to let you know I was here. :)


Jake and Emily said...

I read! I think you already know about my blog...but here I am anyway!

angel_girl2007 said...

Ok Angie, you got me here's my comment.

Anonymous said...

Ha!! I'm the Welcome North Carolinian = ) I don't always comment either..

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm guilty; I'm a lurker. I just love reading your blog, though. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey - this is your prayer partner and I saw your blog and thought it would be a good way to get to know you --thanks for all the info and insighful posts.....deni3282

Going Back to Square One said...

I have a feeling I know who your Evansville, IN person is, but I'll let her de-lurk herself.

You already know I pop in regularly. ;-)

Angela said...

I check in from time to time.. I admit I havnt been here in a few weeks, but here I am!! :)

HOPE you are doing well, I cant wait to hear from you again and see UMM PICTURES soon?! :)

Take care!

DSKA said...

HI!! Yes I have been lurking!! Two classes left, and I am done! QA was hard!! I love all the picture of LIL BUG!! Tell her really LIL BUG said hi!! But her feet and legs kicking are much bigger now!! So not sooo little anymore!! :) Your NC friend!!

BouWho said...

I know this was posted a while ago but I just started reading your blog. I will confess that I too am a lurker. I found your blog through SJ. Also to add to the places your blog is read you now have some one in beautiful Honolulu Hawaii. Nice to meet you.