Thursday, July 26, 2007

The smell of rain

I am not a huge fan of rain. Sure, I like the "free" water. I love that my garden and flowers look happier after a good rain. I like that alot. However, when it rains, it is usually gloomy and I don't like that. Something about it puts a damper on my mood. Also, I hate getting wet (outside). Ok, use an umbrella, right? But I can't very easily when trying to tote Grace around, her diaper bag, her walker, my there a hand left for an umbrella?

But, BUT I love the smell of rain. That is one huge redeeming factor about rain. It smells great! And after a rain, the air smells cleaner...yep, I love the smell of rain!


SJ said...

I love the smell of rain too :)

Anita said...

I love rainy days if I can stay home and enjoy them. I sit out of our front porch and just watch it rain. Although, if accompanied by thunder/lightening it can be pretty miserable b/c the jerks FREAK out! But a nice gentle rain is a perfect day for me!

BlessedWithDaughters said...

Central OH got rain this morning, too...I love rain because it relieves some of the allergen load in the air. *grin* I'm such a pragmatist.

Rainy days are good for reading books to little girlies and curling up in blankets...