Monday, November 26, 2007

Pathetic attempt

Many of my blogland friends have used a blog reader rating system to see what their blog reading level is. As a college instructor, one would expect that at minimum my blog would be rated at a college graduate reading level, but after using this rating system, I have learned that my blog rates at the lowely Junior High reading level. So, in my attempt to impress even more people (because I am out to win friends and influence people with my blog) I have decided to hyperinflate my score in an effort to make myself feel more blogland worthy. :P

So, here are some wonderful big word paragraphs...let's see if that helps my score?!?! (These are "borrowed" from a website I found when searching for "BIG WORDS")

**EDITED TO ADD** This great post only raised my blog reading level to high school...hmmm, guess I will have to try harder. :)

Big Words are colossal superfluous colloquies.

Big Words were indubitably proliferated per Sir Thomasical Gergantiunation II, in a display of incomparable hyper punctiliousness. Unequivocally there was unambiguous astronomical day when Gergantiunation excogitated the conglomerate erudition of paraphernalia. Notwithstanding e was insensate Gergantiunation conceived in envisaging deductive that diacritic conceivably permitted sonorousness perspicacious by commissioning morphemes that bagatelle posterior kumtux. A dexterous consummatent and stupid were consanguineous! oh and supercalafragalisticexpialadoucious. '''Cat is a huge word. but i think it makes me think too much!!!!!!'''


the most largest word in all of the ant hill are "a, I, lol, ttyl, rotflmmfaso, c-ya, gtg, peace out, homie"

BY: John p. Ellis of northern, west verginia in georgia(the country not the state you silly goose)

Big Words can be a fishcake when with impertinent sausages of south amazonia and get this you modulate inspicuous strudel. But memorialize, it takes many nauticals to preponderant the pictorialization of Big Words. In denouement, if you cannot envisage this exposition then you sir, are an ignoramus vexed by Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.

Utilization in Métier Superintendence
Big Words assist the facilitation of efficacious communication by leveraging multilingual platforms, ergo subsequently resulting in an influx of expeditious enterprise which defracts the subvectoring of effective eCommerce capitalization techniques.



Anita said...

Huh? You lost me after "big words."

BlessedWithDaughters said...

That's hilarious!

Most of us deliberately write like we speak on a day-to-day basis, in order to be well understood. The average newspaper or magazine is also written on the average of about an 8th grade level.

So I think it's good...means that you are very readable. *grin*
