Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Brain Farts

When I am going about my day, I can think of a hundred different blog ideas. But, when the time comes for me to sit down and blog, well, I get a great big brain fart and can't remember any of them.

Now, I know that some will comment and say, "write them down as you think of them." Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, but if it was that easy for me to do, I would have done it already. :)

So, until I can recover one of my lost ideas, have a great day.


nush said...

welcome to my world sister!

SJ said...

me too girl! I actually got a notebook and carried it around with me for a while but I always get an idea while driving . . . hard to write while driving. Now I forget to carry it so that idea went out the window :P