Sunday, June 15, 2008

12 years!

Twelve years ago today The Designer and I walked down the aisle and said our vows. We were young, both only 19. We had no clue what life held for us down the road. It didn't matter. We had each other and we had God and that was all we needed.

As I sit here, watching the minutes pass until our anniversary is over, I thought I might write a letter to the girl that said her vows that day. I have a few things I think she should know.

June 15, 1996

Dear self-

Today you are making a life changing decision. You are committing yourself to the man you have loved for the past 3 years and will love for the rest of your life. "Life" sure does sound like a long time, doesn't it? But do not fear. Time time passes (much too) quickly. Before you know it, you will be married for 12 years and have a couple beautiful daughters to be chasing around.

You will have good days and you will have bad days. Really enjoy those good days. Remember the little details in those days. Remember what it smells like, what it feels like, what it looks like. You will need those memories to help you through the tough days. I would like to tell you there aren't tough days, but there are. I wish I could tell you there aren't many, at least, but that is not true either. There ARE tough days. Even so, you will survive because you have your best friend by your side every step of the way.

When you and your hubby decide to up and move 1200 miles away from any soul you ever knew, don't worry. It all works out great! You WILL love the life you created in Denver. Again, enjoy it because it doesn't last long. Soon enough you will be back home with family surrounding you wanting to know every last detail of your supposedly personal lives.

Enjoy your time before having children. Don't sweat it when you learn about your infertility. Your blessings will come. Enjoy the time trying *grin* Enjoy the dates. Enjoy the alone time. Enjoy the connection.

Soon enough children will come and most things change. You will not get as much alone time with your best friend. Instead, the alone time will be replaced with children's laughter and scraped knees, and singing children's Bible songs. It is at this time that one of the coolest things will happen. You will get to see your husband become a father. You will get to see him bring your children joy. You will get to see your kids (you will have two, by the way) cherish every moment with him. You will laugh with your kids. You will cry with your kids. You will get angry with your kids, but no matter what the experience, you are not alone...your best friend is always with you.

If things seem complicated, scary or overwhelming now, I want you to know that it will get even crazier...but you will survived. I promise you that. Although you are making a life commitment to this man, it is a commitment that you will be happy you made for the rest of your life.

Now, run off and enjoy that wedding. In 12 years you will barely remember the details, but you will sure enjoy showing the wedding pictures to your children. They will enjoy laughing at you because no matter how pretty you feel right now...that dress is NOT going to stay "in" fashion forever and you will look life a goof. :)

Peace out!



LL said...

Happy Anniversary! Love the letter to yourself.

Jake and Emily said...

Happy Anniversary - what a special way to remember the communicating with your "old self"...I bet if I wrote a letter to my "old self", I wouldn't have believed myself, even if I had tried!

nush said...

congrats on twelve years of marriage!!! you go girl!!

Anita said...

Congratulations on 12 years of marital bliss!